PROXY FOR VIBER Service for renting Individual IP addresses for your business PROXY FOR VIBER Service for renting Individual IP addresses for your business

Viber proxies are required to bypass region-specific or company-specific restrictions. Although the messenger is in the dangerous spotlight of the Russian authorities, it is quickly popularized. However, Viber is also a means of doing business, which is why it is actively used by well-known brands. Using a proxy will provide you with anonymity on the network, as well as make it possible to increase sales and automate messaging.
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Suitable for popular services:
Our advantages
Individual proxies with speeds up to
100 Mb/s
lowest prices
on the proxy market, wholesale is cheaper
Guarantee for
money back
address replacement 48 hours after purchase
proxy addresses
Everything is
Proxies are activated immediately after payment
Manual selection IP, subnets and regions
over 3500 different networks
and subnets
HTTP/SOCKS5 The system outputs two formats
Support Available 24/7
7 days a week


Individual IPv4 PROXY Issued in one hand See for what purposes

0 $
Select IP manually

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IPv4 Shared PROXY Use up to 3 people See for what purposes

0 $
Select IP manually

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IPv6/32 PROXY Issued in one hand See for what purposes

0 $
By purchasing our proxies, you agree to the terms of User Agreement and Privacy Policy
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Buy proxy for viber – a proven way to bypass the application lock within the region, place of work or study. This messenger has repeatedly been under the attention of Roskomnadzor, but continues to function successfully and does not lose popularity. The program is suitable not only for convenient communication with friends and family – the use of viber for business helps to achieve success in promoting the brand faster. Buy proxy for viber is recommended to make promotion effective and safe.

viber proxy server for business

The main advantage of viber for entrepreneurs – the ability to reach a wide range of target audience, because the application uses a huge number of users around the world. By purchasing a viber proxy server, you get a chance to increase the level of sales and find new customers in a short time.

Working IP addresses will not only preserve the anonymity of your stay in the network, but also allow you to quickly perform the following actions:

  1. Registration and maintenance of a large number of viber accounts, filling in personal information, installing photos in profiles.
  2. Personal exchange of text, voice messages and files with each business partner separately.
  3. Creating communities, chats – buy a proxy for viber is worth it if you regularly communicate on the Internet and want to always be in touch.
  4. Sending commercial offers.
  5. Bulk add or ban users.
  6. Download photos, audio and video files from viber at high speed.
  7. setting up mailing for a certain time – by purchasing a proxy for viber, you can always provide customers with up-to-date information about discounts, promotions, special offers of your company.

Working with individual servers is convenient if you use viber for additional income, and spend most of the time in the office. Heads of organizations often monitor what resources employees visit during working hours, blocking access to “objectionable” sites and applications – Skype, viber, vatsap, etc. Buy a personal proxy – and you will forget about these restrictions.

Differences between free and paid proxies for viber

Buy viber proxy cheaper and faster than searching for public IP on the Internet, as providers regularly replenish the list of public addresses. As a result, such servers sooner or later fall into the ban, which will not happen with new, unique proxy for viber. There are many other advantages of the paid products:

  • High speed file download.
  • privacy Guarantee. Personal proxies for viber are issued in one hand, which ensures the protection of traffic and personal information. By purchasing an individual IP, you will protect valuable information from leakage to scammers or competitors.
  • Can be used on a mobile device or computer. Paid proxies are compatible with IOS, Android, Windows, MAC OS. Using the desktop version of viber is especially important if you use the service as technical support.
  • Stability. Having bought a proxy, you do not have to configure and activate the server yourself – the product provider will do this work for you.


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